I suggest that whenever you plan on going somewhere,
"The Road to Happiness", "The Happiness Project", "Self-Help on achieving True Happiness", "Can you buy Happiness?" "Pursuit of Happiness"-- a few of the millions of books on how to achieve Happiness...
Now that's why they're doing it here in the Philippines!...
Why do you deprive people of pulic display of affection (PDA) when I think its a natural activity? Don't you think it's a bit too unfair compared to those allowed? Its something everyone needs to do for self expression and expression to your loved one... Why not do it?
Before you think I am an overly-liberated type of person; Let me distinguish what I consider myths of PDAs, then you be the judge.
Hey... I do approve of PDAs but not to the extremest level, okay?... There is a limit that we have to consider especially if the crowd includes children but whether or not there are people around, you have the right to express affections in anyways!
True... but PDAs doesn't always mean something dirty. It is just an expression of feelings. You can always hold and kiss her hand, smell her hair and hug your love one before going to work- simple yet it is a form of PDA which I consider acceptable.
Depending on the person who defines PDA, it can mean a lot if things. OH YES! Let us break down PDA: Public means exposed to general view, Display means to put or spread before the view and affection means a moderate feeling or emotion... Put it all together and if you ask me, it has a decent meaning.
There... I have made my point clear enough and if you ask me, there is a thin line separating PDA from being obscene and disgusting to the senses. (m-w.com) How one defines PDAs always depend on how tainted their mind is.
So to our fast-growing population of Korean visitors,
to the illegal-staying koreans,
to the ones who are studying English courses & drinking sessions
PDAs are okay...just don't OVERdo things.
After all, this is Philippines and not Korea. ^^,
"There are three things that a child can teach an adult:To be happy for no reason; to be always busy doing something;And to know how to demand - with all one's might - what one wants."